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What's the minimum score on a 36-point compatibility matching for a successful marriage in astrology?

Answered Mar 20,2020

Hindu wedding is not just a tie up between two people who fall in love. It is a marriage based on a strategical calculation of gunas, these gunas indicated about the compatibility of two people in various aspects. That is why marriage as per Hindu tr

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I am Shravani, 28 years old female and I have mangal in 4 th house. Am I manglik? What is the remedy for this?

Answered Mar 20,2020

Yes Shravani, Mars in the 4th house represents you are Manglik. Kindly refer the image to check the positions of Mars in a horoscope that makes a person Manglik. 4th house in our chart demonstrates Domestic happiness, family, life, mental peace, p

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I am Abhiuday from Kota. What is the effect of Rahu on 7th house of birth chart? ee

Answered Mar 20,2020

Hi, Warm regards, Greetings, 7th house concerns and general deals, there Rahu is important factor for business and general transactions. If rahu occupied good and friendly sign and position then it give prosperity in income and wealth. if rahu pla

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What is Kalsarp Dosha and how bad it is? Are there any remedies for it?

Ritesh Gupta
Answered Mar 20,2020

Kalsarp Dosha is one of the worst curse that have a tendency to majorly devastated one's life. The people suffering from this dosha won't have even a minor happiness allowed in their life, the victim only surrounded with deep grief and sorrow. It is

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